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Hotel Chuo Selene 2009/01/18. Advance reservations available now at Hotel Chuo Selene ... Contact. 1-1-11 Taishi, Nishinari-ku, Osaka, Osaka 557-0002. TEL 06-6647-2758
Budget Hotel Chuo group - backpackers guesthouse&hostel in Osaka Hotel Chuo Selene open on March 2010 http://www.chuogroup.jp/selene/ Osaka- shi Nishinari-ku Taishi1-1-11. Phone: 06-6647-2758. Fax: 06-6647-7049 ...
賓館中央Selene 2009/01/18. 賓館中央Selene將於2010年3月開業 ... You and 903 others like Hotel Chuo Selene.903 people like Hotel Chuo Selene. ... 大阪市西成区太子1-1-11
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大阪Hotel Chuo Selene住客真心話大告白/ 第1頁 - Agoda.com 大阪Hotel Chuo Selene住客真心話大告白:以一晚幾百元台幣的房價來看,能夠住 到單人房,且離地鐵近,真的是很棒的事!雖然所在位置算是大阪比較複雜的地方( ...
Hotel Chuo Selene | Facebook Hotel Chuo Selene, Osaka-shi, Osaka. 903 likes · 12 talking about this. Welcom to Osaka! Welcome to our hote!
Hotel Chuo Selene(塞勒涅中央酒店) - Booking.com if you want to stay out of the busier central Osaka area, this is definitely worth your money. situated between JR Shin-imamiya and the Dobutsuen-mae subway ...